The Gate is Open on Rosh HaShanah

A family of six and another man standing in front of the open synagogue door.

Come as you are!

Wednesday, 2 Oct: Ma‘ariv 18:00

Thursday, 3 Oct: Shaḥarit & Musaf services 9:00‎

Friday, 17 Oct: Shaḥarit & Musaf services 9:00 

10:30 — Creative services: A chance to talk and pray in these difficult times. Prayer, study, conversation, and poetry for balm of the soul, with Rabbis Gail Shuster-Bouskila and Judith Edelman-Green‎, in the Tamar Center on the lower floor. 

Update: After services, there will be a picnic in the synagogue courtyard.

Click here for streaming of all services and activities in the sanctuary.