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We will review the past year, present the financial situation and the budget for next year. We will also elect the new committee and the chairman who will lead the community in the coming year/s. At the time of writing there are not enough volunteers to replace those committee representatives who will be vacating their position on the committee. All committee members feel a great privilege to serve Hod veHadar – each in his own way. That said, change and renewing the ranks is an important act to ensure the health and growth of any organization.
We appeal to all those to whom Hod veHadar is near and dear to them, to consider presenting their candidacy for these positions. Things do not happen by themselves and your response to this call will ensure the continued operation of the community and its growth in the years to come.
Let’s go for it !! Those interested should call to current committee members or Bernie Green.
If there is a specific issue that you would like to raise at the meeting, please contact Rosana, 09-7662485, hdvhadar@inter.net.il.